Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is an ultra-tough, zero-slump concrete with compressive strengths greater than 4000 psi. It is placed with asphalt pavers to form a non-reinforced concrete pavement. RCC successfully and economically combines strength and durability with ease of construction.

RCC consists of Portland cement, water, air, and coarse and fine aggregates; however, it requires no forms, steel reinforcement, finishing or joint sawing. Saw-cut joints can be easily created to offer an enhanced appearance and to help control cracking.
RCC takes its name from the method used to build it.
MIX: Utilizing our state-of-the-art batch plant, TCP will produce concrete on-site for you.
TRANSPORT: Dump trucks transport the RCC mix from point of production to placement.
PLACEMENT: The mix is placed in lifts (4 inch minimum - 10 inch maximum).
COMPACTION: Tamping bars in our state-of-the-art pavers compact the concrete.
Compaction is the most important step in RCC construction because it provides density, strength, smoothness, and surface texture. The process begins immediately after placement and continues until the pavement meets density requirements. The pavement must be cured to ensure proper strength gain.
RCC pavement is best suited for low-speed, industrial or military applications such as intermodal yards, distribution centers, or equipment hardstands where surface smoothness and appearance are secondary to high durability, low maintenance and low initial cost. To improve surface smoothness and texture, RCC can be diamond ground or a thin asphalt or concrete overlay can be applied.
RCC can be used for streets and local roads, residential streets, high-volume intersections/roads(rehab), industrial access roads, parking lots, highway shoulders, airport aprons and taxiways.
Please contact us for project pricing requests and questions you may have regarding our services or see how RCC can save you time and money.